
Evil Swords

A Family of Evil Swords by muckngabe The Eight Remain are wicked spirits of devious inclination. They were a family of people once, but ghosts do not retain a human ipseity for very long. They collapse into other, stranger things. Sometimes a person is like a tool of murder, and a family is like an armory.  Each will serve you for a night and a day, in exchange for proper propitiation. You wield their manifest form as a weapon, in your off-hand. There are no penalties for fighting with two weapons this way. Once one of the Eight has left you, it is prohibitively rude to call on it again until you have called on another of its family first. You call on them at their secret place, in an empty house on a high hill in the dark dark wood. Fireflies dance by night. Leave their offering in a place special to them– in the hearth ash, down the well, in the back of the big dark closet (don't look). Turn around, close your eyes, hold your breath. Count to three. You're armed. Butcher-Bi


CHAINSAW KILLER  ( For Buckets of Blood ) Chainsaw Wizards ( Read This ) do all kinds of sparkle-wink-wink cha-cha-cha-chainsaw stuff. Ehhh... You don't know about all that. You like your chainsaw. You like to do a killing. Simple as. Nosebleed by Ink-Yami Skills: 1) Cooking & Chainsaw Killing 2) Finance & Chainsaw Killing 3) Lumberjack & Chainsaw Killing Start with a chainsaw and an uncanny look in your eyes, like the inside of your head is an oubliette. You know that Capital-C-Chainsaws exist, but most of them think you're pond scum. Each Chainsaw Killer template gives you +2 HP and a cumulative 1-in-6 to Smell Fear. A) I GO CRAZY WITH A CHAINSAW!! When you rev that sexy beast up you go hog-in-the-fog with pure chainsaw rage and add your level to attack and damage and why not critical range too. When you get like this you know only one move and it's chainsaw attack. Every attack made against you hits you automatically without a roll, and if you can't cha

A Travelogue

A Traveler in the Lovely Dark Lexi's Far Traveler Class ( Here ) is utterly amazing: it's both a class-template à la wizard schools and a little exploration at the same time! I fully recommend doing this for your setting, it's super fun.  Here is what a Traveler's "Been There" table might look like for the Lovely Dark. A kind of travelogue for this tiny little half-real world, lost somewhere between death and dreaming. by Kei Nanameda ~ 1. The Underworld.  A few precious memories of that place remain to you. Endless grey hallways in obscure geometric forms. Warm breath exhaled down long highways made of electric light that go on and on and on through fathomless dark. Closed courtyards of ash-white trees and the bowed shapes that weep, as indistinct as traces in dust. The Houses of Judgement, where each stair comes up to your waist, and the doors tower out of sight. The Court, where Games are played. And once, a glimpse of Grandmother Possum in her rotten nest,

10 Further Questions

  An interlude. Here are some setting questions  ( from the mad queen's court ) by DireImpulse   1) What class knows the most martial arts? Are they real martial arts like kung fu, or made up ones like krav maga? You'd want to be an Aristocrat from the Enduring Empire. Nobility are trained in traditional, ceremonial combat arts, and encouraged to use them in low-stakes ceremonial wars. Their martial arts are extremely made up, because they're based on exaggerated Spanish accounts of the martial schools of the triple-alliance, where noble warriors would do backflips and catch arrows out of the air. In the Enduring Empire you're catching bullets with your withering glare and waltzing somberly with your rivals but the same principles apply. 2) Can I start out having already made a deal with the devil or do I have to do that in game? The Devil isn't real (but she loves you all the same). Orpheans start aligned with one of the Houses of the Moon, which is like having a m


FIGHTER Death's Head , by craww You can feel it. Something is stirring in the night over the earth. Something out of the place beyond persona. There are omens if you know how to look for them. Secret signs in the wings of birds, nightmares of pursuit. This hateful world cannot last much longer. The clouds will part and her armies will come down to scour it clean again. The carrion birds will turn in open sky until the fields are empty. The world has forgotten you. It hates you, like it hates everyone. The Queen of Air and Darkness will make it better. Starting Equipment:  An extremely visible scar that’s somewhere between dashing and disfiguring. Too much makeup, which isn’t helping. An outfit that looks like a costume. Any four weapons. Skills:   1) Disgraced Nurse 2) Mercenary Deserter 3) Birdwatcher 4) Occult Dabbler 5) Avant-Garde Artist  6) Discarded Courtesan Templates: A) The Full Dark World, The Killing Moon B) Butcher Bird C) Death Song of the Eumenides D) Société des Sadi

Alignment, Part One: Spiders

Alignment, Part One: Spiders (You can play this for a better reading experience) So if you, the citizens, maintain a healthy sense of dread, respect, you will secure a bulwark to protect the land and constitution, the like of which no other nation has, not the barbarous Scythians, nor in the heart of Pelops' land. For justice is the child of fear among all mortal men.          ~Antigone First, you have a dream.  A dream of empty air, s till and opaque.  A pressure that makes your ears ring, a n electricity that hums in your teeth.  A dream of being closed up, the air and the world and you, into a little box, which is tied with a little silk ribbon, and placed in a little cubby in a big room of haze and warm light. All the walls in this room are lined with little cubbies like the warrens of rabbits, and all the cubbies are filled with colorful things- sealed envelopes and glass bottles and little boxes tied with silk ribbons just like yours.  by Walter Wick There are no windows in t